Granddaughter Jade
Granddaughters Zoe & Ivy
My Dear Good Else,
May the Mother of the Lord accompany you on your way and protect you. Think often and gladly of
Your Aunt Paula.
Freddy Kruegger Nightmare on Elm Street
Granddaughter Zoe
Mancow Muller
Grandparents (and my Mother's childhood) home,
after a snow storm.
Mom & Dad
Stephen Bogart
Burt Reynolds
Karolyn "ZuZu" Grimes from "It's a Wonderful Life"
Type your paragraph here.
Favorite High School Science Teacher
John Catalani
Tara & Bunny
One of my all time favorites Karen Allen
Edwin C. Bulthaup Jr
Senior Vice President of Administrtaion & Finance
Witco (Fortune 238 Company)
The Princess of Hollywood
Grandparents (and my Fathers Childhood) Home
The Twins, Holly & Gina
Jeanie and Major Healey
Granddaughters Jade & Zoe
Pastor Bill Knack
St. John's UCC
The Cast of Animal House
for the
40th Anniversary Reunion
My Great Grandmother came to America alone, ahead of her two daughters, by sea through Ellis Island. She was fleeing Germany in 1924 to make a life here while her Sister Paula looked after the children. She would bring them over to this country later. Her husband, their Father, had been buried in large shell hole, a mass grave, in France during the opening months of World War I. Later when my Grandmother Else and her Sister came to join their Mother in this country, their Aunt Paula sent this inscribed, framed picture with her Good Niece Else for protection during her sea voyage and in her new home, the United States. This framed picture hung over her bed until way after her death. Else was my Grandmother, her young sister is still alive at age 102.
William Shatner
Daniel & Jennifer
Jade kissing her first a snow man
GodDaughter Tara
My boyhood family home in Woodridge
My Mothers Parents on their 70th Anniversary
Holly & Gina are the good looking ones
My Father's Father, his last picture.
Grandfather Edwin C. Bulthaup Sr
John Olis
Roger Ebert Hollywood Palms
Grand Opening
Goddaughter Tara
Ted & Sting
Dog Named Bear
My last house, less than two miles from my boyhood home and two blocks from my Elementary School which my Granddaughter later attended.
Granddaughter Jade
My Dad
Judy Belushi (John's Widow)
Daughter Jennifer
& Son Everett
Tony Curtis
A Class Act
Sylvester & Family
Michael Madsen, one of the coolest people I have ever known and his costume from Reservoir Dogs
With three of the Munchkins in the Office
Dad in the Cockpit
Ted Bulthaup © All rights reserved.